Tag Archives: Albany area movers

Spooky Basements

Halloween Happenings are about! In our neighborhood, porches and lawns are decked out with fun and frightful greeters ready for trick-or-treaters. Spooky things lurk about as the days grow shorter. It is the time of year for apples, pumpkins, and haunted hayrides. Halloween is time for spooky fun.

In line with our fall sorting and purging posts, the next area of the home Liedkie Moving & Storage would love to help our future Albany area movers tackle is the basement. Basements can be spooky indeed. They are dark and sometimes damp places where you have placed everything you did not know what to do with over possible decades.  What is lurking down there? It is time to venture down and deal with it. You will want your basement clear of clutter and looking clean and organized prior to putting your home on the market. You will also surely want to lower the cost of your Albany area moving bill by once again purging excess weight-the things you do not need or want to move to your new home.

We suggest that our future Albany area movers make this task part of your Halloween fun. If you have kids, get them involved. It can become a treasure hunt or trip down memory lane and yes, perhaps a little spooky when you look into dark corners. Perhaps they will find great items to use for their Halloween costumes. Plus their younger legs will not mind all the trips up and down the steps to the curb. Chances are during your sorting process that you will find pounds and pounds of things that are of no use to you anymore since you stashed them down there. With every arm load, you are saving money on your move.

Pick an area of the basement and dig in. Once you have determined what you can donate, recycle, or throw out and deal with it accordingly, you will have more clear space to organize what is left.  Check out Earth911 or Donationtown for countless resources for donating and recycling your unwanted items. Perhaps you have items you could sell on-line. Now is the time to do it. Months before you are too busy with the move process. What you want to avoid is the act of just moving useless piles somewhere else in your home. That will not save you time or money. Your goal is to eliminate useless weight now to lower the cost of your move later. Clear up the clutter and move it on out!

Future Albany area movers may choose to use this time to also start packing up anything they come across that will not be used before their move. Have packing material handy and save time later.  Liedkie Moving & Storage can help Albany area movers with the packing tips found here.

Finish the day or weekend’s spooky basement clean-out task with the rewards of some hot cider, pumpkin carving and a spooky movie. Your basement will no longer be a spooky place and you can sit back and enjoy Halloween fun. Good Luck future Albany area movers! Liedkie Moving & Storage is standing by as you Albany area mover ready to provide you with the resources and services you need throughout your entire move process. BOO!

Fire Prevention Week

Here it is again… Fire Prevention Week. This year it falls on October 6 and runs through October 12. Liedkie Moving & Storage would like to recognize this important event and remind our Albany area movers about the importance of fire safety.

Here are some important considerations for fire safety during your Albany area move process:

Fire Safety while preparing to move                                                         

  • For everyone’s safety, gasoline-powered equipment, such as lawn mowers, motorcycles and snow blowers must be emptied of fuel and oil a few days before the move to assure complete evaporation. Propane tanks must be purged and certified before van transport. If your car is being transported, it should have less than a ¼ tank of fuel to allow for expansion.
  • By law, there are some items van lines are not allowed to move, so be sure you don’t pack them. Flammables, explosives and corrosives, ammunition and firearms, fireworks or flares, gasoline, kerosene, motor fuel and lamp oil, oil based paints, thinners and varnishes, lighter or starter fluids, fire extinguishers, nail polish remover, bleach, sterno, aerosol cans, propane tanks and cylinders, and matches cannot be transported.
  • Leave fresh batteries in all of your fire alarms and be sure they are in good working order for the next occupants.

 Fire Safety in your new home

  • Check that all fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are in good working order.
  • Plug in each appliance one at a time and ensure they are working properly and their power cords are free of damage or frayed wires.
  • Develop fire escape plans for each member of the family. Each member should have more than one option for escape in case of fire.
  • Have a fire drill to practice the escape routes.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher in places where fires happen most frequently such as the kitchen. This year’s Fire Prevention Week them is Prevent Kitchen Fires.  We invite our Albany area movers to visit the National Fire Prevention Association website for more information on preventing fires in the kitchen.
  • For more tips on protecting your family and home from fire, visit the Fire Safety page at The National Safety Council.

Liedkie Moving & Storage are your proven Albany area movers. We encourage you to consult with the real experts on fire safety. Contact your local fire department to find out about Fire Prevention Week activities and resources in your community. Move with fire safety in mind. Keep Safe!

Autumn Garage and Shed cleanouts

Happy Autumn from Liedkie Moving & Storage! We know that many Albany area moving companies are beginning to slow down after the moving industry’s busiest time of the year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Albany area movers for the opportunity to serve them and move them into their new homes.

Liedkie Moving & Storage never thinks about slowing down. Moving is an all yearlong industry. We know that many future Albany area movers are just beginning the entire process and thinking about their needs before their big move. Earlier this month, we provided tips for sorting and purging the contents of your home as you anticipate a move down the line. We hope that our future Albany area movers enjoyed our tips and resources for doing that.

Fall makes us think about areas like the garage and shed when the daytime temperatures are perfect for the jobs. In fact, National Clean Out Your Garage Day is observed as the Saturday after Labor Day. No worries if you missed that or even purposely avoided it…..For many, the garage and shed are places they would prefer not to have to deal with. But deal with it you must so let us motivate you to get started!  Not only will you want to sort and purge those contents to lessen the weight of your move load and save you money, but if you are getting ready to sell your home soon, you will want these areas to be neat and accessible for showings.

It will be a lot easier to organize these areas and make them accessible after removing what you will not need or want to take with you when you move. We found this article on realtor.com “Don’t Neglect the Garage” to be particularly helpful to get you started.  This article has great ideas for getting your garage in shipshape and ready for a showing.

Don’t forget to keep a sense of humor. Play some motivating music while you move through the task. Get the family involved and helping. Most people can get the job done in one day or a weekend. Just think how good you will feel when the job is behind you. Liedkie Moving & Storage are here as your Albany area Movers with all the right resources to take the stress out of your move. Good Luck!

National Voter Registration Day

National Voter Registration Day is coming right up on September 24, 2013. Liedkie Moving & Storage would like to remind our recent Albany area movers to register to vote. If you have recently moved, you have a lot to do. Registering to vote could easily fall by the wayside as you are setting up utilities, updating accounts and accessing information about where you moved to ease into your new life.  That is why we are taking this time to help our Albany area movers get the job down, so come November, their voices will be heard in our national election.

Liedkie Moving & Storage like to provide resources our Albany area need to ensure a smooth and stress-free move process. Voter registration is a simple and relatively quick process. Check out this page on the Election Assistance Commission website for a list of answers to questions about registering to vote after a move. On this page you will find a link to the National Mail Voter Registration Form and also a link for your local or state elections office. Easy!

Don’t be left out in the cold this November. Get your voter voice heard and register to vote in your new community. It is fast and easy.  Liedkie Moving & Storage would like to welcome all recent Albany area movers to their new neighborhood communities.